101 research outputs found

    Distributed Generation and Its Impact on Power Quality in Low-Voltage Distribution Networks

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    This chapter is dedicated to review and investigate present approaches to power quality assessment in low-voltage (LV) networks with distributed generation (DG). Two complementary approaches are considered: firstly, origin of the emission limits requirement for the DG is searched in general electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) conditions used for the equipment and adopted to DG; secondly, rules and regulation of integration with a power system network is used in order to estimate the possible influence of DG on power quality in point of common coupling (PCC). An example of the regulation is control of reactive power consumption in function of active power generation known as cosφ (P) characteristic. This chapter constitutes the attitude that complementary approach brings improvement to the decision about the possible impact of DG in a power system network. It was shown that a combined approach allows to define a proposition of the limits of particular power quality parameters associated with the investigated node of LV network characterized by apparent short circuit power in the PCC (SkPCC). This combination brings desirable effect of criterion, making for integration of DG with LV networks. Mentioned attitude was investigated using a real case study of a photovoltaic (PV) system consisting of three independent one-phase subsystems. Estimated influence of the investigated PV on power quality parameters in the PCC was verified using real measurement. The measurement procedure allows to verify the real influence of the investigate DG on power quality in the PCC, however, the task in not easy due to problems of separation of the searched influence from the measurement background. One of the proposed approach is to affiliate changes of investigated power quality parameters with activities of the investigated DG, e.g., energy production. As it was presented in the case of influence of the investigated PV static voltage changes or total harmonic distortion in current in the PCC, a correlation index can be also implemented in order to classify the force of the common influence

    Paris–Rome–London. Information and Propaganda Campaign for the Polish Question prior to the Great War (1907–14)

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    The article reconstructs Polish information and propaganda campaigns in Western Europe in the run-up to the Great War. Those initiatives allowed the issues related to the Polish question, especially the persecution of Poles under the Prussian and Russian partitions, to be brought to public attention in the West. The authors trace the process of disseminating information to the intellectual communities of Paris, Rome and London based on participant accounts, reports, propaganda pamphlets, the press from the period and secondary literature. They conclude that propaganda campaigns reached a relatively narrow group of intellectuals, writers, members of the artistic community, journalists, and to a lesser extent, parliamentarians. Although the information campaign could not immediately alter the previously established stereotypes, its specific effects could be observed during the Great War and at the Paris Peace Conference

    Prawne i instytucjonalne regulacje dotyczące zwalczania chorób zakaźnych w początkach II Rzeczypospolitej (listopad 1918 – lipiec 1919)

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    The article presents the organization of central administrative bodies overseeing the fight against infectious diseases and counteracting epidemics in the period from XI 1918 to VII 1919, followed by the process of creating normative acts and internal regulations (e.g., those issued by the Ministry of Public Health) and other legal documents, in the broader perspective of the health policy pursued by the cabinets of Jędrzej Moraczewski and Ignacy J. Paderewski. The legal acts and regulations adopted at the time, despite the shortcomings and gaps they contained, closed the first stage of the creation of institutional and legal regulations for the control of infectious diseases in the Second Republic.  Artykuł przedstawia organizację organów administracji centralnej nadzorującej walkę z chorobami zakaźnymi i przeciwdziałającej epidemii w okresie od XI 1918 r. do VII 1919 r., następnie proces tworzenia aktów normatywnych i regulaminów wewnętrznych (np. wydawanych przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia Publicznego) oraz innych dokumentów prawnych, w szerszej perspektywie polityki zdrowotnej prowadzonej przez gabinety Jędrzeja Moraczewskiego i Ignacego J. Paderewskiego. Przyjęte wówczas akty prawne i przepisy prawne pomimo mankamentów i luk jakie zawierały zamykały pierwszy etap tworzenia  regulacji instytucjonalno – prawnych dotyczących zwalczania chorób zakaźnych w II Rzeczypospolitej.   &nbsp

    The increased body mass index effect on declarative memory

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that being overweight or obese not only impacts the cardiovascular and respiratory systems but also exert a negative effect on the central nervous system. We examined the relationship between body mass index and cognitive performance in three groups of volunteers: obese (17 women; aged 59.88 ± 4.29; BMI 34.08 ± 2.31), overweight (35 women; aged 59.70 ± 4.68; BMI 27.87± 1.44), and normal body weight group (18 women; aged 64.5 ±4.84; BMI 23.53 ± 1.21). To evaluate the cognitive performance in our subjects we used face/name association test. Our data demonstrate that the increased body mass weight may have a negative effect on some cognitive function such as declarative memory.Wyniki dotychczas przeprowadzonych badań wykazały, że rozwój nadwagi oraz otyłości oprócz negatywnego wpływu na funkcjonowanie układu sercowonaczyniowego czy też oddechowego może również prowadzić do powstawania niekorzystnych zmian w funkcjonowaniu ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Zbadano zależność pomiędzy wartością wskażnika masy ciała a zdolnościami poznawczymi w trzech grupach wolontariuszy: osób otyłych (17 kobiet; wiek 59,88 ± 4,29; BMI 34,08 ± 2,31) osób z nadwagą (35 kobiet; wiek 59, 70 ± 4,68; BMI 27,87± 1,44), osób z prawidłową masą ciała (18 kobiet; wiek 64,5 ±4,84; BMI 23,53 ± 1,21). Do określenia funkcji poznawczych użyto testu kojarzenia twarz/imię. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że wzrost masy ciała może mieć negatywny wpływ na pamięć deklaratywną

    Microgrid Energy Management System with Embedded Deep Learning Forecaster and Combined Optimizer

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    Fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization and differentiation of beers

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    Total luminescence and synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopic techniques were applied for characterization of the intrinsic fluorescence of eight different beers. Spectra were measured using different geometries to reveal the presence of similar fluorescent components. The total luminescence and synchronous fluorescence spectra exhibit a relatively intense short-wavelength emission ascribed to aromatic amino acids and less intense emission in the long-wavelength region, which may originate from B vitamins. Classification of beers based on their synchronous fluorescence spectra was performed using non-parametrical k nearest neighbours method and linear discriminant analysis. Very good discrimination was obtained in both methods with a low classification error. The results demonstrate the potential of fluorescence techniques to characterize and differentiate beers